Frequent questions

Frequent questions
Fruit pulps can last up to 1 year under freezing, during which time the pulp maintains its physical-chemical, organoleptic and nutritional qualities.
Yes, being a NATURAL product (WITHOUT PRESERVATIVES) it can be damaged if its cold chain is broken and it is left outdoors for more than 1 day.
At Naturalia we pasteurize the pulp so we minimize the level of microorganisms, bacteria and fungi that are natural to the fruit.
This process helps to naturally preserve the pulp for longer.
If your purchase is over 15 USD and you live in Guayaquil, via the Coast or in Daule, we can take your product “free of charge” to your home.
If you live in other cities we can send you from purchases of more than 25 kilos of pulps with a surcharge that we will confirm according to the city where you are.
It is a product made under BMP and HACCP, which meets all the requirements of the Ministry of Public Health of Ecuador, so we have the necessary quality seals to offer you a nutritious and safe product.
Our staff is trained with GMP, Good Food Manufacturing Practices and HACCP.
With any of our presentations in sachets, by the pound or by the kilo you can prepare it in a blender or manually:
In a blender: you take the fruit pulp out of the freezer, open the package with scissors, pour it into the blender, add water or milk, add sugar to taste, blend and that’s it.
Manual preparation: you take the fruit pulp out of the freezer, open the package with scissors, pour into a container, add water or milk, add sugar to taste, dissolve with a paddle until you get a homogeneous liquid texture and ready.
If you have a commercial establishment and you want to use our product, but you don’t know how much to buy, you can consult our naturalia calculator located on our main page . You just have to add the number of people, flavor of the fruit pulp and our tool will indicate the number of kilos of pulp to use in your preparation.