Strawberry and Chocolate Cheesecake

We help you make a delicious strawberry and chocolate Cheescake with our delicious NATURALIA Strawberry Pulp, so that you can share with your family on any occasion and the best thing is that it is easy to prepare. It is important that you know some of the benefits that strawberry has for your organization since it is an antioxidant and helps you with your defenses.

With this strawberry and chocolate Cheescake dessert, you will calm the craving of more than one of your family, so, encourage yourself to make this delicious recipe so that you pamper those people you love the most.


  • 150 grs of chocolate cookies
  • 6 tablespoons of butter
  • 6 tablespoons of icing sugar / icing


  • 2 Cups of cream cheese
  • One cup plus a quarter cup of cream
  • 5 eggs
  • one cup of sugar
  • ½ liter of Strawberry pulp NATURALIA
  • ½ cup of whole strawberries

Before starting with the preparation of the wonderful dessert of strawberry and chocolate Cheescake, it is important that you have all the ingredients so that it is easy for you when making it.


In a blender place the 150 grams of chocolate cookies and meanwhile add the 6 tablespoons of butter and the other 6 tablespoons of powdered sugar / icing and wait for all the ingredients to be integrated, then line the base of the mold and take to the fridge. Meanwhile, in another bowl mix the two cups of the cream cheese together with the cup plus a quarter cup of cream, the cup of sugar and the eggs. Integrate everything and then pour it into the mold. Bake in an oven for approximately 30 minutes. Let cool and on top add the NATURALIA strawberry pulp and decorate with the whole strawberries, this last step is to your liking. And so we come to the end of the preparation of the dessert, we hope you enjoy it a lot at your table.

Bon appetit!

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